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Sex, Love, Intimacy, and



It is an inevitable part of the human experience to come across challenges in our relationships; whether you are single or in partnership. It is how we tend to these challenges that can make our experience of sex and intimacy either expansive and enlivening or painful and draining. 


Our first intimate relationship is with our parents. It is in this initial relationship that we build our framework and patterns of how we show up in our intimate adult lives. Ever notice how your partner reminds you of one or both of your parents? Or how you are drawn to someone who embodies the desirable or undesirable qualities and characteristics of one or both of them?


Our subconscious, the area of our mind that influences our actions and feelings without our conscious awareness, is always seeking ways to heal. This means we choose people and situations that present themselves in similar and familiar ways to those of our young formative years in an attempt to offer an opportunity to having a corrective experience. This is why we often leave one partner in hopes of finding someone "better" or "more aligned, only to then discover the same issues arising with the new partner. This is also why we often find ourselves single even though we deeply desire to be in relationship. Each and every experience is an invitation for us to transform and heal, if we so choose, to have a deeper look within.


We can utilize our connection with others as a mirror and an opportunity to gain a deeper under and inner - standing of these unconsciously built patterns around sex, love and intimacy. It is through this exploration we become empowered to transform the way we relate to others, allowing us to embody both personal and inter-relational freedom and a deeper level of connection and joyful, fulfilling intimacy in and out of relationship.




Somatic Sex and Intimacy sessions explore:



Our shadow parts, the parts of ourselves that our ego desperately tries to not see, and how they influence and impact sex, love and intimacy

Our unconscious protection strategies 

Childhood and/or adult trauma 




Nervous system tending

Self esteem and insecurity 

Attachment Styles (Secure, Anxious, Avoidant, Disorganized)


Types of relational containers (non monogamy, monogamy, monogamish, etc)


Our individual stories and beliefs around sex, love, and intimacy​

Sexual desire or lack there of, desire discrepancy and sexual dysfunctions such as difficulty with orgasm, erectile dysfunction, and painful sex

Tending to sex, love and intimacy can be explored both individually and in partnership and often requires both. 

If you find yourself stuck in the following areas reach out to me for your Free 15 minute consult on how I can support you. â€‹â€‹

Sessions are:

90 minutes for couples

60 minutes for individuals

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